Get up to speed with newer Arnold features.

Another exclusive Greyscalegorilla Plus how-to

In part two of this Guide to Arnold, Chad Ashley (our in-house Arnold expert) will walk you through the changes made to Arnold since version 5 (and the recently released Arnold 6).

Here's what we'll tackle together:

  • 1


    • Visible Lights and Quad Settings

    • Light Manager

  • 2


    • Display Filter Settings

    • Auto TX

    • Text Overlay

  • 3


    • C4D Noises - Displacement

    • Sheen

  • 4


    • Isolate Selected - IPR

    • C4D Floor Object

    • Clip Geo - Pegboard

  • 5

    Toon Shading

    • Toon Overview

    • Toon Sketch Breakdown

    • Toon Advanced Shading

Technical Requirements

  • C4D Version R19 and up

  • Arnold version 5.1 and up

You’ll learn from the best 3D design instructors…

Creative Director

Chad Ashley

Chad is the Creative Director here at Greyscalegorilla. Having spent the last 8 years as a Creative Director at Digital Kitchen in Chicago, Chad’s expansive industry experience and rich knowledge of 3D make him the perfect person to make sure our tools are up to the high standards of our growing audience. Chad develops tools, produces and creates training/tutorials, and drinks copious amounts of coffee.

Are you an Arnold beginner?

This is the second part of this series. If you want to get the basics, head over to Part One.