Whether you Use Redshift, Octane, or Arnold - we can help you get the most out of this collection.

Another exclusive Greyscalegorilla Plus how-to

In this series, Chad Ashley shows you how to take your premium material collections to the next level. After watching this you'll know what you need to do to make our materials work for you.

Redshift Tricks

Modern Surface Material Collection

Learn how to work with Ceramics and use the Color GeomID node.

Arnold Tricks

Modern Surface Material Collection

Learn how to customize our Arnold materials with tag color palettes, custom user data, fields color palettes, and so much more.

Octane Tricks

Modern Surface Material Collection

Chad gives the basic rundown of how our materials work inside of Octane, how to customize them, and how to get beautiful realistic ceramic materials.

Here's what we'll tackle together:

  • 1

    Projects and Quick Tips

    • Create a Pegboard in Cinema 4D

    • Adding Color to Textures

    • Working with Sparkled Metal

  • 2


    • Arnold - Overview

    • Arnold - Working with Ceramics

    • Arnold - Random Color

    • Arnold - Tag Color Palettes

    • Arnold - Fields Color Palettes

    • Arnold - Custom User Data

    • Arnold - Random Pattern Folder

  • 3


    • Redshift - Overview

    • Redshift - Working with Ceramics

    • Redshift - Random Color GeomID

    • Redshift - Object ID Color

    • Redshift - Fields Color Palettes

    • Redshift - Custom User Data

    • Redshift - Random Pattern Folder

  • 4


    • Octane - Overview

    • Octane - Working with Ceramics

You’ll learn from the best 3D design instructors…

Creative Director

Chad Ashley

Chad is the Creative Director here at Greyscalegorilla. Having spent the last 8 years as a Creative Director at Digital Kitchen in Chicago, Chad’s expansive industry experience and rich knowledge of 3D make him the perfect person to make sure our tools are up to the high standards of our growing audience. Chad develops tools, produces and creates training/tutorials, and drinks copious amounts of coffee.