Ask GSG Season 1
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Preseason 1 - Page Turns, Popup Book Tricks, and Dynamics
Preseason 2 Nick Q&A
Preseason 3 - Glass Shapes, Mograph Builds, and Inheritance Effectors
Preseason 4 - Clay Renders, Ruby Rocks, and Dramatic Lighting
Preseason 5 - Kaleidoscope Looks, Xpresso Door Rig, and Leaves In The Wind
Preseason 6 - Mograph Looks and Cloth Type
Preseason 7 - Tracer Tricks, Echos and Unwrapping a Candy Bar
S1E1 - Metal Texture, Wood Texture, Daylight Lighting Look
S1E2 - Voxels, Softbody Pressure, Electron Microscope Looks
S1E3 - Mograph Voxels, Balloon Pop, Cracked Logo
S1E4 - Mograph Tunnel, Depth Maps, Mograph Logo, Tree Animation
S1E5 - Goopy Drippy Look, Back Lit Looks, Crack Egg Dynamics
S1E6 - Exploded Diagram Look, Mograph Roller Coaster, Explosion Mograph
S1E7 - Fabric Look, Melted Look, Mograph Lighting
S1E8 - Beeple Blob How To - Arc Reactor Model
S1E9 - Arc Reactor Lighting, Clay Render
S1E10 - Nick Q&A
S1E11 - Carved In Stone Look
S1E12 - Fluids, Goopy Mograph, Glass Mograph
S1E13 - Morph Animation, Wave Mograph
S1E14 - Mograph DOF, Mini Landscape, Scratched Paint
S1E15 - Hair Modeling, Squid Modeling, Metaballs Mograph
S1E16 - Mograph Animation, Whale Animation
S1E17 - Shockwave, Depth Mattes, Flower Animation
S1E18 - Nick Q&A
S1E19 - Bubble Text, Cloth Ripping
S1E20 - Realistic Cloth, Fur
S1E21 - Mograph Sphere World
S1E22 - Mograph Logo Animation, Fire Animation
S1E23 - Balloon Type, Target Effector, Chain Loop
S1E24 - Sports Graphics, Mograph
S1E26 - Build a Pyramid, Black Hole Mograph
S1E27 - Model a Teacup, Glow Spheres Look
S1E28 - Model a Jellyfish, Hair Tracer Look
S1E29 - Inflate Text, Softbody, Island Text
S1E30 - Slow Mo Softbody, Wind Effects, Tessalate
S1E31 - X-Particles Wing, Subsurface Skin
S1E32 - Gummy Dynamics, Hair Growth
Chris Schmidt
Nick Campbell