Reach your procedural potential with nodes.

Another exclusive Greyscalegorilla Plus how-to

Learn all about nodes. Using them, choosing them, and what they do. In this series, Chad Ashley makes some cool pen displays and lots of other fun texture effects using nodes. Pen model included!

Here's what we'll tackle together:

  • 1

    Learning How to Use Nodes

    • Download Node Pen Project Files

    • Basic Black Plastic

    • Mograph Color Node

    • Specific Color Clones

    • Random Logo

    • Random HueSat

    • Random Texture Offset

    • Texture Distort

    • Pinwheel Mograph Color

    • Pinwheel Fields Color

    • Pinwheel Name Color

    • Pinwheel Background Texture

You’ll learn from the best 3D design instructors…

Creative Director

Chad Ashley

Chad is the Creative Director here at Greyscalegorilla. Having spent the last 8 years as a Creative Director at Digital Kitchen in Chicago, Chad’s expansive industry experience and rich knowledge of 3D make him the perfect person to make sure our tools are up to the high standards of our growing audience. Chad develops tools, produces and creates training/tutorials, and drinks copious amounts of coffee.

Time well invested, your fellow designers say.

Saves Time Searching For The Answer

Les S.

"The training was a real time saver in that I didn't waste time scrounging around different sites looking for answers and/or training."

There's tons more just like this

This is just a small part of the Guide To Cinema 4D. Go check out the rest to learn everything there is to know.